Custom Machine Design for Our Customers

You Ask … We Listen!  The Reel Donkey Company provides custom machine design and fabrication of wire and cable handling equipment to fit your specific industry needs!

Custom Machine Design for You

We regularly get calls asking us if we can make a new piece of equipment that would be more applicable to a specific business need.  Yes, we can.  And our employees love that challenge!  So … If you find yourself saying, “I love this machine by (company X), but I wish it would do MORE!”  Or if you find yourself saying, “I wish someone made a machine that would do BLANK!” (whatever “BLANK” is for you), give us a call! We love doing custom work, and we think you will love what we can do for you! For more information about our custom designing and fabrication or to discuss your specific needs, please call or email us now.
Repairs of Wire Coiler Reels
(281) 686-8655

What can we do better for you?

Focusing on our customers' needs has made us one of the fastest growing Cable Handling System companies.
Please let us know what we can do better for you?

(281) 686-8655